Originally Posted by MMM
I am not trying to guilt trip, but you do that Tenchu thing where my nationality becomes a liablility for my opinion. I'd rather just discuss things openly without "But the US does..." all the time.
I don't know which is worse, my news being worthless, or my opinion being worthless because I watch the news.
Noodle, read my posts, don't skim.
The idea is to not have schools where the walls are filled with sand instead of concrete. There were not slight safety violations, but gross and criminal ones. In elementary schools.
Business men? What are talking about. Again please read what I wrote, without skimming.
Huh... The only time I ever bring the US into this is when a hypocritical statement is made. I pretty much guessed what you were gonna say on this thread before you even said it. Whether you admit it or not, you have something against china without knowing any sound facts. Having an opinion is all well and good until you talk about changing their culture, or how they're not an influence to the world etc.
I think you'll find the second one is worse. Having such a strong opinion simply from what you see on the news is terrible (in my opinion), whereas, the first one isn't so bad because all news channels/papers all over the world lie and exagurate, NOT just US or western media...
I apologise for that part. I mis-read.
Ever considered that there was a reason for doing that instead of what you just assume to be negligence?
Yes, Business men... The people that cheat their way into doing something cheaply without considering the concequences... One shouldn't complain about China as a whole when it's a minor group of people commiting offenses, because the truth of the matter is, China has excellent business ethics and brilliant prospects for the future... Unfortunately, you won't see too much of the good side on tv right?