Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
First and foremost, WHAT facts? Have you actually ever seen a Chinese news bulletin or have you just heard about it through whatever material you've acquired through the "Western" media. (Obviously that includes the internet, teaching and the news itself.  )
Yes I can call it "Western" media because ultimately it has the "Western" doctrine and ideals written all over its views and opinions. It is linked because no matter where in the West you go, that same doctrine and ideal will be prevalent on news reports that need a certain spin. If my Israeli example was not enough for you, I would've thought that Alkindus' post would've filled in the so called "Evidence" that you wanted from me. Apparently though his post didn't cut it with you and when faced with "evidence" you totally skirted it. What happened to your generic stance on "The Western media doesn't conspire" then?
Obviously you didn't understand a word I wrote earlier, that such tactics are used by the Western media to put spin on their news.
Also asking to get evidence from me is rather silly since I don't record any news and really have no idea where to find it on the internet. I haven't been bothered to look for it either. However I KNOW from experience that such "propaganda" occurs as do plenty of other people. Those ARE the facts that I and a lot of people DO know. Unlike your FACTS, ours are actually quite unbiased.
If suddenly I started recording all the stories that supported my argument, you would have nowhere to turn to.
Also in that case, the answer you gave to Alkindus, ("ignoring is not the same as lying") would hardly be acceptable.
I'm also surprised with your vast facts and unsurmountable knowledge, that you might not have seen this.
YouTube - George Galloway Savages SKY NEWS!
George Galloway destroys that news reporter, with all its evident spin and propaganda. (SKY is pretty huge here.)
If you can't see it, then you aren't as intelligent and in line with facts as you think you are.
Jeez you're grasping at straws... how does any of what you say PROVE that a)- The Western media lied about China's actions in Tibet.
b)- The Western media having a conscious, POLITICAL agenda.
As for Alkindus "evidence". If you look at those stories half of those stories were US-centric. Of the ones that were relevant, they were either not mentioned OR under-reported (meaning they were reported BUT they weren't detailed enough considering that this institute felt they were important).
Look I've given you the facts of how the Western media works... you simply can't get it through your head. All you've given me in return are snippets of incidents in which the media has not done it's job properly as "proof". George Galloway slams that reporter... big deal. You think that one incident "proves" anything more than that? Where did I say the media was perfect?
Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
Hmm interesting outlook on it. Cept you're an Atheist and that is a Buddhist quote. So.. a self-proclaimed Atheist accepting the quote from a religion. What a novel idea?
I guess its ok to be contradictory and hypocritical when that quote applies to any set way of thinking.. which includes yours?
Then again I guess its alright to forget that when you're trying to make your point, just like the Western media when they don't "lie" but choose to "ignore". 
Just like this.
YouTube - If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!
Of course these points just deal with Israel, of which you claim is reported on fairly and openly.
Also, applying random quotes to Islam from an imperfect source, won't actually further your point anywhere cept in the eyes of morons who can't tell their backside from their face.. but I digress.
You're an idiot. Buddhists CAN BE atheists dipshit (rather it is not necessary for buddhists to worship a deity but it is up to them). Atheist does not mean a-religious or a-spiritual. Maybe you should get an education before you talk shit.
By the way. With regard to that little video there. Who do you think produced that video? The Western media did fuckwit. I've also seen tons of documentaries via the Western media on the crimes of Israel.