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(#401 (permalink))
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Yuna7780 (Offline)
I'm Missh Yuna! ♥
Posts: 1,168
Join Date: Aug 2007
07-29-2008, 04:14 AM

@Love- I didn't know you were a church-goer. *highfives* Anywho... Those dresses look pretty, but it's a little scary with dudes. lol But they're still pretty in it. XDD

ZOMG, Hikazi is so... *faints* pretty.

@Nana- You do have a good point. If we are going to continue talking like this, we're just being n00bs ourselves, not trying to learn more.

@Honey- Nana, Dolls, and Paradise Kiss are GREAT mangas. ParaKiss and Nana are highly recommended.

@Ai- YAY! You're back! How's tennis? My school's team practices start on the 13th. So excited. I'll be a Loli on the court. XD

I also heard about the BTSSB store in LA in the fall. I was upset because EVERYTHING is in California.

@rawr- Awww. I don't like buying clothes online because I need to try and fit everything first... But our Cafe will make it work!

Thanks for reading!
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