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日本語うまいよ、ほんとうに! - 07-29-2008, 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by StripMahjong View Post
そうですね。 僕はかんさいべんがかっこいいと思いま す。

Did you know that many Kansai girls think Kanto(around Tokyo) boys sound weak,
because of their accents and their slangs.
(but some think it sounds cool and intelligent.)

But for me (as a Kanto girl), Kansai diarect sounds too strong and mean sometimes.
I know they don't mean to be mean, but for example,
our sense of humour are quite different.
Many comedians are from Kansai area and I like some of them, but
I never laugh when I see them hitting and kicking each other to make people laugh.

I would laugh if I see a tiny baby girl is trying to punch a giant guy or something though.

But I have a few good friends from Kansai area,
and they said the same things about Kanto
that there are many things they don't understand.

Japan is a small country (with thousands of islands),
but our cultures in each ereas are quite different from each other.

いつかしてみます! 面白いかもしれません。
I will probablly do it, during my summer holidays.

確かに英語の悪い言葉のほうが強いでしょう。 それは いいことかな?
Well, I don't know if it's a good thing, but it's definitely "useful" I think.

When I meet/see some unbelievably "rude" Japanese person,

I use English in my head, or sometimes I say it aloud.

Once I said "sh-t" when I broke something, and
my little Aussie girl friend (she was 7 years old) said

"Oh Mayumi, don't say that! Say "Suger"!"

So since then I try to say suger instead of "sh-t".

"Sh-t" sounds very bad ? Is it inappropriate for me to use?

そうです! 本当のまゆみ先生のほうがいい。
I thought so too!

Hmm, I wouldn't mind it at first, but the more she did, the more uncomfortable I would get (if I didn't know her). That may just be cultural, though. Here in the US, guys are the ones expected to do things for the woman (take her out to dinner, buy her drinks, open doors for her, etc.). If a woman were doing as you said, it would seem strange to me after a while. I would feel like she were a saleswoman and going to try to sell me something!
hahaha, you are right!

I have a question,

You are in Japan, you met a pretty a girl (Japanese), then you asked her out to dinner,
Would you pay everything? or Would you expect for her to pay a little bit?

There are 3 types of girls in Japan
(It's only written in Mayumi's book so I can't guarantee)

Type A: expecting boys to pay every single things. It doesn't mean they have no money, but they think they are selling their time to be with the boy, so they simply expect to be paid for it.

Type B: appreciates if the boys pay for it, and they take their purse out of her bag and ask him if he wants her to pay some too at the checking counter(In Japan, we don't usually pay at the table, but the counter near the exit), but deep down, they know or believe that the boy wouldn't say "yes, you pay half of it!", so they are not really going to pay any.

Type C: appreciates if the boys pay for it, but they pay some or half.
It could be depend on how rich the boy is. If the boy have a good job with a good pay, maybe Type C girl pay for the drinks. But if the boy is a student, this girl definitely pay half, even he is from a rich family.

I think 60% of 15-26 years old (sometimes over 27 too) are
type A girls.

Around 22-29 years old, some are changing and becoming Type B.

Basically, Type C girls are always Type C.
10% or less girls are this type.

Did I sound stupid? but this is what I believe.

For me, the girl I dream of is one with a sense of humor as weird as mine. I don't want someone that will serve me -- just someone I can laugh a lot with.
Yes! to laugh a lot together is very important and also
to support each other is really important too.
What a girl can do and what a boy can do is totally different, that's why
we can help each other, I think.

In Japan, usually girls expect boys to help and support her (especially in finance), that's why boys think it's unfair in the end.

でも・・・僕のユーモアのセンスはすごく変だから、そ ういう女の人はまだ見つけません。
「まだ 見つかりません。」

日本にきたら きっと みつかりますよ!

いや、それはちょっと間違ったかもしれません。 そう いう女の人は一度会ったことがあります。 最近、まゆ み先生は長い話を書いてくれましたから、今度は僕の出 番です! つまらないなら、許してください。


六年ぐらい前に本屋で働きました。 ある日、とても背 が高い女の人の新人は働き始めました。 はは、僕は「 とても背が高い」と書いたのはちょっとおかしいかもし れませんけれど、本当に背が高いでした! たぶん、百 九十センチ以上でした! そのことはすごく目立ちまし た。 とにかく、背が高いだけじゃなくて、すごくきれ いでした。 僕たちはすぐに友達になりました。 毎日 、一緒にたくさん話しましたり、笑いましたりしました 。 同じのユーモアのセンスがありました。 そして、 僕はいずれすきになりました。
私は160cmくらいだから うらやましいです!

やっと、僕は告白することに決めました。 その日、僕 は友達に「話したいことがあります」と言いました。  友達は「あ、私も話したいことがあります!」と言いま した。 もちろん、わくわくでした! 同じことだと思 っていました。 仕事の後に外で会いました。
wow, so exciting!

友達は「私は平和部隊に入りました! 来月から、他の 国ですみます!」と言いました。



友達はすごく笑っていました。 彼女はいつも本当に平 和部隊に入りたいでした。 それは友達の夢でした。  僕の心が痛くなりました。 今、何を話すべきだと考え ました。 まだ告白をしたら、友達は困ります。 同じ 気持ちがあったら、平和部隊に入れません (僕はここ にいますから。 僕のお母さんはがんがありましたから 、他の国で住めませんでした。)。 同じ気持ちがなか ったら、それは最後のさようならになるかもしれません でした。

けっきょく、告白をしませんでした。 本当に彼女が好 きでしたから、夢を止めたくなかった。 僕はただ「う れしい!」とか、「おめでとう!」とか言いました。  彼女は「あなたは話したいことが何でしたか?」と聞き ましたときに、僕は「ああ・・・忘れてしまいました」 と言いました。

でも平和部隊に入ったなんて、彼女は強くて素敵な女性 なんですね。

今、僕たちはまだ友達で、時々彼女はアメリカに帰りま す。 そのときに、いつも一緒に遊んでいます。 彼女 はまだ平和部隊にいます。
もし、二人が運命の二人、なら いつかきっと チャン スがあると思います。

Wow...I've never written so much Japanese before in my life. I'm sure I made a lot of mistakes, so I hope it all made sense. You don't have to correct it unless I made some really big mistakes that you think are important I know about.
Wow, I am impressed, man!!!
Your Japanese's totally great! I totally understand your love story!

And sorry that it's kind of a sad story.
It was a sad story, but I think it's beautiful too.

はい、悪い学生でした。 すみません、先生!

But I tried to make up for it with that story. Hopefully it made sense... I think I may have gotten a little bit too ambitious, haha.

Now I forgive you haha!

You can be fluent in the near future, I guarantee!

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

Last edited by loveskyliemole : 07-29-2008 at 04:54 PM.
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