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(#135 (permalink))
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Abernachy (Offline)
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07-29-2008, 08:11 PM

I can't understand women's fascination with being as skinny as a number of the western stars. I understand they don't want to be fat, but at the same time they don't realize that having fat on the body is actually healthy. I'm not talking 3000 pounds, but something light at around 130ish. I don't know when women will realize that beauty will not last forever, their body will deteriate, starving yourself in an effort to look 'attractive/sexy/beautiful/etc" is causing more harm than good.
Since a number of men here are naming their type of women, oddly , I guess I'll jump in the bandwagon. I don't concentrate on looks, outer beauty is a fading illusion, I care more about the inside beauty of a person, the person can be the size of the titanic, but if they have inner beauty and confidence, then they will win my vote.
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