Thread: Tattoo Help
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07-30-2008, 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by tommasi View Post
How many average Japanese people have tattoos?

I would say almost none.

Also, you guys are missing one fact.

In Japan, hurting your healthy body that was given by your parents is considered disrespectful to your parents.

That's why yakuzas get one to show that they have no connections to their family members anymore by hurting themselves.

Personally, I don't have problems with tattoos but many people do.

So you can continue to take advices from those hipsters but just be aware that those people do not represent entire Japan and once you get to Japan, you would realize how conservative Japanese society is.

yes i am aware that "purposely hurting your body" is disrespectful, as my dad reminds me all the time.
so therefore i don't understand why it is acceptable to get piercings [and i know there are japanese people who get plastic surgery but idk how many so i won't use that as an example here] but not tattoos. they're both "hurting your body". braces are, too, but again i'm not sure how many japanese people get those. well braces isn't "hurting your body" but basically anything to do with permanently altering appearance is supposed to be bad ..
and the cutting off family ties thing .. i never knew that .. but again, if so, shouldn't piercings be regarded as "taboo" as well?

also i'm not "taking advice" from "hipsters" .. i mean yes famous people get away with a lot but i didn't think getting away with such a serious issue is that easy .. for example if a famous person stole something they wouldn't be able to get away with it, they'd be regarded as a criminal.

and i'm sorry if i seem to be but i'm not trying to sound rude or anything .. i'm just trying to gain a better understanding here

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Last edited by sillygodxdisco : 07-30-2008 at 07:02 AM.