Originally Posted by TheCrimson
@ miyavifan: yep. she's fine. its just her laptop broke down. lawl. poor thing xD she's working on getting a new computer. a desktop maybe she said xD
i'm meeting her sometime next week, you can PM me what you PMed her if you like, i'll get it to her.
and on a Gackt note: i heard some unpleasant stuffs about him the other day... who knows if its true or not xD
ah, that's a relief.
Oh, no. and now I don't remember what I said in the PM... I guess it wasn't very terribly important.
Thank you for saying you would get my message(s) to her.
I will PM you with offtopic stuff, though. I cleared out my inbox a bit.
Oh... what did you hear?
Originally Posted by YoshimiTheEthereal
Is he supposed to have any concerts any time this year? I want to see a recent performance of his.
Here are some more pics. Not from Malice Mizer, though.
I actually don't know. I'm sorry.
ooh. I've seen all of those. Those are great pics.