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Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Dec 2007
07-31-2008, 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7
OMG! I'm the biggest idiot ever! Today is Alex Evans b-day, not Nao's!! >_< *shoots self* I can't believe I got those two confused. *ish so embaressed*
Haha the cute little love triangle! XDD
[except Pon loves me. XD]
Does that mean I'm in the closet with Saga and Hiroto? *giggles evily*
And good idea! *dances dirty for alice nine.* Magazine for Adii, please? XDD
I love Butterfly Orchid too! I can't wait to hear the full song<333
cute daidai,but now you can say happy b-day to Nao-pooh *giggles*
and I had no freaking idea it was Alex Evans birthday -_-"
omg and Shou's heart belongs to me but I let him have fun with the others *giggles*
awiee so you like staying in the closet with Hiro-pon and Saga *smirks*
I would send Nao too but he's in the fridge eating *laughs*
Go Daidai <3.Now I want my magazine *stares at Shou with puppy eyes*.He cannot say no to this ^_^
Aww but I have the entire song,only when the song starts,the radio dj and Shou -faints- talk a little <33.And I have it on repeat and my top on lastfm will change again XDDD.
Originally Posted by Miyavifan
Not Shou, Tora. in that vid thing with Shou.
Can I eat Shou, too? he's so yummy.
Oh. I want that magazine too.
Who's Alex Evans?
Noooo only I can eat Shou *kisses his eyes*.Grr I love the last picture he posted on his blog,his eyes are love *molests him*
I really want that magazine but I can't find it to buy it *cries*
You didn't know who Alex Evans was?? *ish shocked* I thought everyone knows him ^_^
Originally Posted by Pexster
*weeps* i love this thread....heart hurts its inhaling too much! *wipes tears* too bad i can't touch them!....if i lick the screen it won't be enough! *cries*
awwww cute <33.But yushies they're all owned ^_^ *gropes Shou and Tora*
MINES!! oops I tend to get possessive,but heey you can drool at them