Originally Posted by Boschman
very japaneese eh?
for winning pokerplay you also have to be patient. i have a VPIP of 17%, wich means i only play 17% of my hands. i wait till i have good cards according to my position. suppose i have ATo in early position at a full ring table, at that spot i will fold preflop, but it is different when i have ATo in late position when i am still first in.
and yes, IF i play, i play aggressive. better to bet or raise then to be a callingstation.
also very important is your opponent's play. if he/she is very passive or very aggressive you can use his style in your advantage.
i sometimes compare it with Judo, use your opponents strenght to beat him.
so be patient and when you have the better hand, strike hard...hmm that looks very japaneese eh?
There's no need to explain to me your technique. I hear it, and it is on.
You asked about Japanese player tech, and I gave you the answer.
areyou trying to sell something else?