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Hackimoto (Offline)
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Location: Hawaii
07-31-2008, 01:51 PM

I started by learning the Katakana because I knew it was the first thing they learn is school. Then I moved on to the Hirigana which is just slighty harder I think. So If you already know them then Katakana should be easy. It may feel redundant but it's worth it to know even though it's not used as commonly. In fact I sometimes almost forget a few of them because I see them a lot less often. Kanji is a continuous struggle, and as I've said to others before the best thing to do is learn the radicals which are the most basic word forms which are combine together to make bigger words. sort of like english words such as 'circumnavigation'. It's a big word made up of little words.
Here are some sites which may help you. I wish you good fortune in your studies.

C:\Users\Public\Documents\learning\Kanji Radicals.mht
C:\Users\Public\Documents\learning\Kanji by Grade.mht

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