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rina26 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 161
Join Date: Jul 2008
08-01-2008, 06:31 AM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
Yeah well... I assumed anyone being a part of the forum for long would be careful enough to read the rules if it said right by them "Break these rules and you're banned".

The fact that just anybody _can_ break rules doesn't mean they should or would. But sure, throw in a warning even, so its warning - temp ban - perm ban. If you act like a asshole/bitch three times on a forum that specifically says "FOR SERIOUS CONVERSATION", then well... I think you should be banned.
But even the "mature", rule abiding person will get carried away once in a while. Especially if the topic is something they feel passionately about. For example, a thread about abortion, animal cruelty, whether spanking is child abuse or discipline. If someone makes an obvious ignorant remark, someone who is otherwise level headed will lose their cool momentarily. Sure, if they break a rule, punish them but a month is a bit harsh in that situation. No point losing a member over that.
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