Thread: Tattoo Help
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(#320 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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08-01-2008, 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by tommasi View Post
It's not what I believe.

I'm just saying how it is.

And believe me, tattoo is considered bad if not evil and people who know about Japanese culture would agree with me on this.

Like I said, if you want to use 1% population who believes tattoo is ok, then you are completely lost.

And yes, Henbaka, I won't be responding to this thread anymore.

Because my honest feedback as a native Japanese means very little and I believe that's probably why some people who visit Japan run into problems cos they ignore and challenge how things are in Japan instead of respecting it.
It would be sad to lose your input, tommasi. Of course, do what is right for you.