08-01-2008, 01:50 PM
It works only if the two people work on it and try to make it work.
You can't sit there.
My boyfriend is in Kyusyu...(he'll be in Colchester, England for a couple of weeks this weekend.)
I'm here in cali.
And though the internet helps, it's not that kind of relationship xD, as I said before on JF.
It gets hard without seeing each other. I was supposed to see him few times by now, but due to other circumstances...it's been about 13 months since I last saw him..
and it isn't just about people from japan. anyone can and will. As far as I know, his family is supportive with him and how he tries... and I appreciate that they're kind everytime I call.
But I didn't fall for him 'cause he was japanese. Heck, he was my first serious non-white boyfriend X_x;
but about the US/japanese, that's right too.
there are a looottt of japanese in cali, for example.
as for sticking to just japanese, I'm 50/50, 'cause I'm genuinely attracted to asians mainly, now, but I'll never date someone for their blood. I rather get to to know 'em first....
Coffee prevents me from killing you.