Thread: Depression
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(#71 (permalink))
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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
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08-02-2008, 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by KikiBunny23 View Post
Well, what if it's not possible to tackle it head on?
My problem lies like 5 states away, and I will most likely never see it again because it makes me afraid.
Everything is possible to tackle head on, in one way or another. It is just the way you do it which differs from one situation to the next.
Obviously you've left it quite vague so I don't know what exactly "tackling it head on" would be for you. This could be either a) getting over whatever it is and not letting it effect you anymore or b) trying to resolve the situation to the best of your ability.
Too many times people just let stuff linger in their psyche and use it as an excuse to feel sorry for themselves or to use it as a tool to gain attention.
This isn't always what people are trying to do conciously but it is a part of depression a lot of the time. In its extreme forms, its just like a hole that you just can't see a way out of and it turns into a vicious cycle.

Break the Cycle.

Truth Hurts

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