Thread: The Tea House
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KitsuneFr (Offline)
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08-03-2008, 03:56 PM

Well, Genmaicha is very nice too.
I had some of this tea, and used to drink in winter, because I found it very heavy comparatively to sencha (maybe it is due to the cereals added with the leaves), but I found it very energetic and awakening ! (usually one small cup was enough to keep me awake when I needed too). The taste is very good, you can feel the cereals inside! Like my sencha from Kagoshima, I purchased bio one, even if I'm not a 100% bio consumer. I just noticed that bio teas flavours are ... than else!

Concerning summer, I prefer drinking classic sencha or chinese jasmined green tea. I tried russian tea once or twice, it's good but I'm not fond of this kind of tastes. For me green tea still rules (nice with mint too!)

Qu'est ce qui pourrait être plus beau que les fleurs de cerisier?
さくらのはなが だいすきですよ!
(Sakura no hana ga daisuki desu yo!)
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