superpowers and panic -
08-03-2008, 11:46 PM
i think most americans i ever met in my life were so concerned about world affairs and economics as if they were all starving.,. then opec which controls the oil supplies is totally nothing to do with the usa,, so how can the usa call it self superpower or china for that matter .
its disgusting the amount of nuclear deterrent weapons underground in the usa,.,.,.
i use work in iraq many moons ago and saw very clearly supposedly neutral countries suppling all sorts of military hardware to saddam regime, did the think saddam wanted it all for sport.,. so the world then gets very excited about saddam after they created his power base,. i was a civilian there and even in my amateur way knew this place was heading for major conflict...but the worlds wise guys know all that but do nothign about it,.s long s saddam ws paying for it no one cared, and now u get innocent usa kids in wars that shud never be,.,.mike