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(#13 (permalink))
rojjin (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 49
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Location: USA
08-04-2008, 05:45 PM

[Spoiler Alert!!] At the end of the anime, more or less everyone is dead besides the main character and Gantz has put him in a game with new people except he is the target. He ends up killing everyone.

How far is that in the manga? I know sometimes they add their own endings. Does this scene even happen in the manga?

"What We Think, We Become" - Buddha

"The most utterly lost of all days is that on which you have not laughed" - Crappy Fortune Cookie

"If I woke up looking like that, I would run towards the nearest living thing and kill it." - Master Shake

Score: Eiri: 35 Slykaz1: 102 Rojjin: 90 Yuna7780: ? reihino: 63 Crani:40 Ramones1976: 0 AnimeBaby112: 8 Arikado: 1 KikiBunny23:7 Pexster: 1
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