Posts: 530
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: In my own Fantasy world!
08-04-2008, 08:04 PM
owiess you watched it!!!! *hi5 and huggles*
werent they sooooooooooo cute???!!!!!
yees yees the making of rainbows was really awesome! hehhee
Nao and Pon .... those two are insane seriously XDD
i love where pon copies shou and nao where he open's saga's shirt and shows
saga's chest XDDDDDDDD
YES YES YES YES YES *joins fangurling*
☆ My Jeong, Hikaru, Sakae, Juka, Narumi, Satsuki, Rubii, Yuji, Jun ☆ ☆ Claimer,ajsnoopy ☆ Claim,Miyavifan ☆