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Yuna7780 (Offline)
I'm Missh Yuna! ♥
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08-05-2008, 04:14 AM

Originally Posted by Asakura View Post
So we know so far that X, X-2 and VII are connected. X, and X-2 seem to be in-game historically older then VII.

Do we seperate Ivalice and the other worlds?

For example FFX takes place in Spira
FFVII's world is Midgar
FFXII's world is Ivalice

Are they all the same world, Just different times and names?
And do you have repeating technological history?

Or maby (and this is my speculation alone) Ivalice is a whole other planet, plane, demension, something like that. Of couse if you acknowledge that then you'd have to acknowledge the theory that they ALL are alternate demensions.
Ahhh! Nowonder our teachers teach us history...

But in reality, that idea is a bit scary-ish. That could make sense that it may be the same land, but thousands of years apart... O_O

Technological history... Maybe Cid has been reborn twenty billion times and has made all of the same discoveries repeatedly?

Thanks for reading!
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