Originally Posted by Henbaka
If you by "particular culture and a system that actually works." for instance mean squashing freedom of speech, then sure.
The fact that a country "works" doesn't always mean it's so good over there. And whether it really "works" is a whole other discussion.
I'd think it would be more fair to say that the Chinese people in general is a people like every other: Most people are very nice and good (which is why people shouldn't hate the "Chinese people"), some are assholes but don't cause too much trouble, and some are pure idiots who destroy life in all kinds of ways. Unfortenately the latter part have too much influence over there.
"Most people are very nice and good"-Are you REALLY talking about Earth???.0_0.
Anyway.The system works because it is focused at the community-The whole.And systems like Democracy are focused at the individuals.
I think that the country development is positive for all the people from the country.So a system that focus at community will be positive to everyone.But a system focused at individual supposedly rights like "Freedom Of Speech" end up negative to everyone.
Freedom is fantastic.My country haves freedom.But what can you do with freedom if you don't have food or education?Nothing.
And also most of people think the west haves things that China don't.Like freedom.But try to go against the government at any "Democratic" country and you'll be beated by the police to shut up.-Freedom sweet and unexistent freedom.