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Henbaka (Offline)
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08-05-2008, 10:29 AM

Originally Posted by Acidreptile View Post
If the leaders are good leaders it works.
Ahh.. the good ol' "Dictatorship is good if the dictator is a nice guy" =D Yeah, that have worked great in every country that has been a dictatorship

I'm getting tired of this thread so I'll just reply to you noodle:

Originally Posted by noodle
Dude, have you even read anything I've written in this thread? I haven't claimed that China was some kind of heavan. The closest I came to that was saying that it was a beautiful country and people. I replied to Tenchu when he said noone had been to china, and I added that this is another reason WHY I defended china. Whether I was there for a couple of weeks or a couple of years is irrelavent, because the fact is, I've been there for longer than MOST OF YOU. And for you guys to debate as if YOU know what it's like is more ridiculous than me arguing as IF i know what it's like. Hint, I've been there for a couple of weeks more than you, so that's a lot more information than you can get from bias news. Oh and, don't bother starting this whole I'm saying the west lies. Go read what was written in previous pages.

I'm glad there will be more people like me. People need to have an open mind instead of watching the news and assuming that the whole country is f-ed up (this is not personally you, but a lot of people think China is some f-ed up country. For proof of this, just watch the protests against the olympics. You will see foreign people that have never been to china trying to convince chinese people that their government is f-ed up and is trying to destroy them...). I will never proclaim that China is perfect. Far from it, but I will always fight against people that have this ridiculous negative image of it simply from some crappy documentary or news report they've seen. But then again, I'm not surprised... Jealousy seems to run in the blood of the westerners...


Another thing... Do you really thing the Chinese people are trained dogs or something? Do you really believe that if people spoke their mind, they'd be jailed? hahahahahaaaa. That's as far from the truth as it can be. People speak out against their government like any other country. I like how you've applied an isolated incident to a whole population. It's funny, I could say the same thing about Europe as well. Need I remind you that an english person got jailed for three years for doubting how many Jew's were killed in WW2? Seriously, just GO to china, or meet chinese people. They speak out as much as anyone else.
The fact that you've been there longer than us doesn't mean you know how the real situation there is. I'm not saying nor have I ever said I was some kind of China expert. What I mainly jumped into this discussion for was to point out the hypocrisy of proclaiming that you know the situation after visiting a country for a few weeks. So it's most relevant. I'd trust journalists who have lived there for years more than a guy on a forum who "visited with friends" for a few weeks.

It's easy to see that you don't bother trying to understand my posts or my position and critique on your statements, so I'm not gonna try more after this post (I don't talk to walls, either). But sure, please try to twist my words into "chinese people are trained dogs".

I have nothing against a person because he/she is chinese. I do however object to single-party states which rule what people can and can't say. As you say, there are chinese people who speak out, luckily! The problem lies in that this is a risky thing to do there, which is proved by many accounts. Show me some chinese newspapers that openly criticizes the government and get away with it, please.

I don't know about the englishman getting jailed, I'm sure he did more than "doubt" if he got three years though.. Did he deny the holocaust? What did he do,exactly?

Originally Posted by Acidreptile View Post
People need to have an open mind
This I agree with. Pity you don't seem to take your own advice.

Anyways, I don't like to nor do I have to discuss things with people who uses insults and personal attacks instead of arguments to "make points". So what am I doing here? bye.

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