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noodle (Offline)
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08-05-2008, 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
"If everyone agreed with you, the chinese would do something about it.."
Can you see how flawed this argument is? Without even talking about China (or any country in particular) it is a fact that just "doing something" is not an option in many cases. You don't just create a political opposition in a single-party state if that's what you want. You seem to think it just for the people to decide to make a change, and "just do it", when clearly that's not easy (impossible for many) to do. That's my point about "freedom". Yes, if China was truly a "free" country, people could "do something".

I sure hope it's improving.

Btw, about the dictator thing. That's exactly what I mentioned earlier... Look at history - which dictatorships proved to be a good thing? Then rethink your statement, if you would ever risk to live under a dictator...
Dude, what's flawed about your logic is that you don't seem to realise that if something was that important to the majority, ANYTHING is possible. How do you think countries gained independence in the past? Do you think it was easy for them? According to you, it was near impossible, yet it was done... It took many years, it wasn't easy, but because most people believed in it, it was done... Anything that hurts the people as a whole ends up with a revolution occuring, which the chinese would easily do if it ever came to it.

I got a question for you... You know all this lack of freedom you talk off. Why is it Chinese people abroad, don't complain nearly as much as foreigners? Why is it you see Chinese defend their country and government? This is why I asked you earlier if you think they're trained dogs. When they have the option to speak freely, why don't they use it? Why do they choose to defend their land?

As for the dictator, there have been plenty of dictators. Ever heard of General Franco of Spain, or the current president of Pakistan? Though, I would agree that most dictators let power get into their heads and hence end up staying in power far longer than they're needed, sometimes, some of them are good for the people. Heck, most civil wars would have been a waste if it weren't for dictators. Therefore, if a dictator is doing more good than bad for my country, I would happily live there...

Another example of a great dicator is Charles De Gaulle... Had he stepped down when his time was over, people would've looked at him as a hero forever.
What about Syria? People lived in a dictatorship, and they got peace, whereas the neighbours, Iraq, went for a democracy, and look where it is today...

Last edited by noodle : 08-05-2008 at 01:56 PM.
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