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08-05-2008, 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
Who's to say big changes over there won't come? I've never said it's impossible for the people to make changes in the government happen. But you seem to think it's just "go do it". And I think stuff is happening. For instance I've heard the judicial system have improved much in just the recent decades

If you look at all revolutions, there is suffering preceeding them. Does that mean one should just let everything run it's course until people decide to risk to "do something"? (not only China)

And, yes that is sometimes exactly the problem with dictators. They start out good but things so good as always deterioate, and they still want to hold on to the power. Dictators are mostly really appealing from the start (good at propaganda etc). It seems your opinion if dictator is more of the roman kind, that stepped in when needed and then handed power back to the people. But there are so many horrific examples of cruel dictatorships that show it just doesn't work that way anymore.

I don't know hardly anything about french history, but wasn't de Gaulle titulated as president?
I didn't say it was just "go do it" and you're assuming things by labling me as someone that thinks that. All I'm saying is that if things were bad, things would change... lol, reminds me of a funny thing my chinese friend said. He told me, if China was as bad as the west made out, he would be living through a revolution... That kinda sums it up I guess...

I didn't deny that most dictators are terrible, but to think that all are bad isn't right. And yes, I am talking about the Roman dicatorship type... They still do exist... Just look at Chile in the 70's (?).

France are at the forefront of Human rights and Freedom of speach, mainly because of Charles De Gaulle. 1968. De Gaulle was meant to leave as head of state a couple years after the independence of Algeria (1962), i.e. 1965. He stayed on, and a load of things happened, and in May 1968, student protests occured all over France (now, it's kinda celebrated, May 1968) which eventually broke down De Gaulles government... Just search for May 1968 France on google or something, and I'm pretty sure you'll find loads about it.

And yes, he was the first President...
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