Thread: Alice Nine
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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08-05-2008, 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by NeoVisualizm View Post
hopefully? omg im sensing something bad..
she really will kick me in ass XDDD lol well.. then.. i will poke him
as much as i can till she comes back *pokes even more*

YEEEEY hmmm... can i jump on nao? XD
well.. i would loose my voice right there! or scream then faint.. or..mah i dont know XDDDD OMG imagine some would give ya a kiss to wake you up.. O_O *faints*
ouuuuwwwww lure them in.. yeeeh yeeeeh i do! *bwuahahhahhaa*
-devil laugh-... LETS join to their fan club!
Haha she's too sweet to do that<33

I don't own Nao, so it's not up to me! XD
Yush! I would totally freeze up and just faint. XD
Mwhahahah yush! We will join their fanclub!

@Nan Actually, we just went to Japan, but you can come to. *grabs Nanny*

I want Rainbows... T_T;
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