1. World of Warcraft (PC)
- 5 horde 70s ftw! Don't think they have this game in Japan, do they? Last time I checked was like... two years ago and I'm sure they didn't have it then. Hands down my favorite game of all time. I have at least... 195 days played in game between all my characters. Probably closer to 200 now.
Starcraft: Broodwar (PC)
- It's Starcraft and it's Blizzard. 'nuff sed.
Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne (PC)
- One of my favorite things about blizzard's RTS's is the map editing feature and the Use Map Settings online play which allows us to play custom maps whenever we want with total strangers!
The entire Command and Conquer Series <3 my RTS's (PC)
- These C&C games really sucked me into PC gaming! I love RTS, building up a huge force and swarming an enemy base with mammoth tanks is just too cool for school!
Final Fantasy Tactics! (PS)
- Probably one of the oddities in my list. I like final fantasy, dont get me wrong, but 7 was good - now i cant play it w/o going cross eyed - and to me, FFT was WAY better than 7
but that's just the Strategist in me. Plus, My calculator could lay you out cold in a heart beat!
Super Smash Brothers (N64)
- Only the one for N64 though, b/c I used to be sick and no one could beat me. Now with the sequels things have changed /sadpandas
Halo3! (Xbox360)
- Although Halo and Halo2 were amazing too, I'm sticking with the latest and greatest from Bungie! I actually have a friend from Kanazawa that plays with me on xbox live
Call of Duty 4 (Xbox360)
- Just a classic game, and much like Halo really shines in online play. Only thing I don't like is the ranking system online to unlock gear... /sigh
Bioshock (Xbox360)
- One of the few shooters that can pull off using super powers at the same time. It's been done before but not nearly so well as in Bioshock. Nothing like setting an Oxygen Tank on fire and throwing it at a group of zombies, All with my mind!!!
Grand Theft Auto 3! (PS2)
- I list GTA3 because that got the ball rolling, the first game of it's kind to really take off. I can't wait for 4!