Originally Posted by XjapanFOREVER
IX- peace until Kuja comes along, the Mist produced all monsters
II- sorceress comes along, destroys kingdoms.
I- Tiamatt and Kraken have destroyed most of the world, leaving only a few kingdoms, yet again.... The only airship is buried in the desert.
IV- Kingdoms have situated themselves around protecting the 4 Crystals. Golbez and Garland could be incarnations of each other, since they're both Lunars, as could KluYa and Kuja. Since discovery of airship in previous FF, they have been advancing it and creating better ones... The Big Whale could be the remains of the Dreadnought from FF2
IV- People exploiting magic for power, which in turn revives the world.
X- With the world at the top of it's technological era, a tragedy starts when Yu Yevon is made, probably the last "Lunar"
X-2- Mako is mentioned, but unharnessed.
VII- Magic put in "Gaia" in IV, is being drained as Mako... Gaia is dying... Since the magic (mako) is being drained from teh planet, it no longer can be used without possessing a crystalized form of it (materia).
VIII- Gaia now back at the top of it's technological era, and magic is now no longer only usable by possessing a crystalized form, but now flows freely through the body. People have now learned how to use magic through GF's to benefit themselves (Junction).
AGAIN, me and my friend talked about this back in '06 which is why XII is not included, I really haven't given this much thought since...
No mention of FFTactics? PS or GBA? GBA was garbage anyways but for PS...?