Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Yet you minimise the Tibetan incident because you "spent a month there, saw how it really was and now know that the Western media coverage of Tibet was all propaganda"... give me a break.
Seriously you're behaving just like a US neo-conservative complaining about the "liberal media conspiracy" and your defensive stance of China is the like a neo-con defending US policy as ultimately just and righteous despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Wtf are you talking about? Please, I invite you to quote me when I said me being in China shows me how the Tibet issue is all a big lie fabricated by the western media?
And I suggest you give me a break instead of talking like a big man and dodging anything thrown your way...
You know, you talk a lot, but you obviously hardly every read what anyone says, and if you ever do, you seem to skim through it and create your own opinion for the person in question. SO, sit back, get a coffee and READ instead of letting your fingers type a load of S...