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(#4 (permalink))
Harold (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 316
Join Date: Jul 2007
08-07-2008, 04:14 AM

Originally Posted by rina26 View Post
So to deal with visas and such should I go to the embassy or consulate? And which consulate would I go to? I'm right in the middle of the Osaka and Fukuoka consulates.
I would contact the closer consulate (by time it takes to get to the consulate) and ask them specifically about the problem if you have one. They'll be able to lead you to someone who can help you out.

However, I myself did take a trip to the U.S. embassy in Tokyo and got a business card from a lady who might be the person to contact. I do remember her saying something about her handling most problems Americans encounter here, like visa and passport issues. I could give you her number and email. If you need it, just PM me.

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