Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
The balance is ours to find. Obviously when a person can't find that balance, then he/she effects their surroundings negatively. The Earth is one of those things that can be effected.
Get enough of the same kind of people and you get a higher degree of negativity, which is what we have right now.
"Our" brains are as special as we allow them to be. It's just that most people rather not give a sh*t or they are too brainwashed to think outside of the box.
Yeah exactly, that's why I meant that maybe we're not all that intelligent (yet anyways). Doesn't really matter if a select few know how to reach the "balance", if the masses don't follow.
The balance
is ours to find, however it doesn't seem we are doing very well...
And well maybe we should bear this in mind; the earth will be here long after we are gone. It's not really the earth we "destroy", we just f*k up our own (and just about all animals') living standards..
Maybe it's time to colonize space already?