Originally Posted by noodle
Wtf are you talking about? Please, I invite you to quote me when I said me being in China shows me how the Tibet issue is all a big lie fabricated by the western media?
And I suggest you give me a break instead of talking like a big man and dodging anything thrown your way...
You know, you talk a lot, but you obviously hardly every read what anyone says, and if you ever do, you seem to skim through it and create your own opinion for the person in question. SO, sit back, get a coffee and READ instead of letting your fingers type a load of S... 
Dodging anything you've thrown my way?
I've dismissed your and Ivionk3y's conspiracy theory and the "evidence" to support it and have given my reasons. Can YOU not read.
All you and Ivionk3y have done is throw childish names at me and try and twist your and my words around to make the same stupid point time after time after I've given you perfectly good reason as to why you both are full of shit.
As for the whole month in China thing... well you seem to be so adamant to minimise the Tibet incident throughout the entire thread assuring us that China is a "good country". I'm saying it's irrelevant. The United States is also a "good country" but doesn't mean I'm going to minimise the blunders it has made in Iraq.