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Henbaka (Offline)
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08-07-2008, 06:35 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Yes, I do understand what they were saying... That's why I said I don't agree or disagree... Who's to know if there really is a balance in the world (on a global scale) if we didn't exist... We human's aren't the only things that destroy in this world...
Yeah, we can't know for 100% sure. But if scientists are correct, and we are infact destroying the environment/eco systems/habitats/oceans/whatnot at the rate they say (or even at half the rate) then think about how big of a negative effect humans have.

I mean, how long have humans been around, compared to the total time of life on this planet? It's a small fraction... Yet, in this time (and not even really, since the most part of this negative effect has taken place in later years) we've managed to seriously alter the environment and natural habitats for so many animals on a global scale. Please not that I'm very much not just talking about global warming.

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