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(#47 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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08-07-2008, 08:42 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Noodle, you should prob read that whole post before, as it all applies to you, kinda, after what you said.

An example of some of things animals can do which are really quite impressive:

Dolphins can see by sonar, similar to an ultra sound and detect pregnancy and retardation (to which they take extra care around).

Whales and pigeons and some other birds navigate by electro magnetic fields.

Most grazeing animals can run on the first day of birth, and outrun a seasoned hunting wolf.

Cheetahs are damn fast.

Lions kill by pinching arteries with their teeth.

Owls can hear mice from 50 metres away under 20cm of snow and pluck them from the safety of their icy den.

Hawks and eagles can see things we struggle to see with a telescope. I forget the range they can see a mouse at, but it is ages.

Moles can see by touch which leaves a vidual imprint in their brain of what they are touching.

There is one kind of turtle and 2 kinds of frogs I know of that literally freeze when the winter comes, and in spring they defrost and jumpstart their heart through natural mechanism and go on living.

The list goes on. Oh, wait, that is all just "Gods" ingenuity, and really they have accomplished nothing for themself. Sorry, my mistake.

Like I said; how I can argue scientifically with a religous person???
hahaha... you're a retard... Please, just get yourself banned again... You obviously think you're superior to religious people, so what's so funny with me thinking I'm superior to animals

And you absolute idiot, so WHAT if they can do all that? If you got any brains, you'd realise that we HUMANS figured all that shit out and hence, we are able to outsmart ANY animal. Therefore, we are superior because we can destroy them if we want

EDIT.. wtf are you talking about? I love animals, I think they are amazing creatures, but that doesn't mean they are equal or superior to us. And obviously you didn't get what I meant by us being able to kill them... We've used our brains to create tools that can destroy a lion before he knows what's happening to him...

Last edited by noodle : 08-07-2008 at 08:45 AM.
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