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(#49 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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08-07-2008, 09:13 AM

I actually really care about this kind of thing. I just find it really sad.

I certainly don't think animals are inferior. The ability to kill someone in my opinion doesn't make you superior. Just because a big strong man would have the strength to kill me because I'm a little girl doesn't make me inferior in my opinion.

They have the ability to think and feel, they are living creatures. Of course they don't have the 'brain power' that humans do, but they have other features and things that we could not possibly imagine.

A singular human is a very weak creature indeed, the only reason we are any stronger is because of all the technologies we have.

In any case I think it's pretty selfish to suggest that animals don't matter. These are beautiful creatures that the human race has probably destroyed, and I don't think it is acceptable whether you think animals are inferior or not.
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