Originally Posted by Odin
OK, so now I'm very curious. I'm not so proud, that I would never admit if I response was misplaced. So please, explain why you said that to him?
Because a) he told me to kill myself based on an earlier reply by me and b) he was derailing the thread from the beginning.
What I said was not because he was German but because he totally misunderstood what I was writing. I would've said the same thing to anyone else in the same situation.
Hope that clears it up for you.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Yes, but the prospect of pissing off a religous person or at least causing a recession that goes against the views of millions of people world wide - for me, that is worth stiking into it!
Lol I bet the simple reason you believe Humans are the same as animals is because of your view on Evolution. You believe that any animal, given enough time, has the potential to evolve into a higher conciousness, kinda like what the whole Mario universe is based on.
Lets say for arguments sake i'm right about you here and that you are hypothetically correct.. that still makes Humans superior to animals
right now.
Originally Posted by MissMisa
I actually really care about this kind of thing. I just find it really sad.
I certainly don't think animals are inferior. The ability to kill someone in my opinion doesn't make you superior. Just because a big strong man would have the strength to kill me because I'm a little girl doesn't make me inferior in my opinion.
They have the ability to think and feel, they are living creatures. Of course they don't have the 'brain power' that humans do, but they have other features and things that we could not possibly imagine.
A singular human is a very weak creature indeed, the only reason we are any stronger is because of all the technologies we have.
In any case I think it's pretty selfish to suggest that animals don't matter. These are beautiful creatures that the human race has probably destroyed, and I don't think it is acceptable whether you think animals are inferior or not.
Anyone who suggests that animals don't matter is an absolute f***wit, just like some posters earlier on in this thread I had a problem with. I don't think the majority of people here have a problem with
respect for animals. They are highlighting reality though and that is that humans might not have the "extra special" abilities but they can easily reproduce them with technology.