Originally Posted by adina
neo-chan you're being a bad girl.Stop poking my Tora or I'll punish you and you won't like it.
Tora was thinking of me of course that is why he was spaced out *giggles*. [this is so like me cause I loooove spacing out XD] But seriously talking I didn't find weird his attitude.That's how he is,cool and composed [-demands him to blog-] and true he has his dorky moments but is just so like Tora to act like that.And damn I love him for this -faints-
yupiii carry owns Nao-pooh and I advise you not to touch him.You know how she gets when you do this -hides under Shou-
And *cries* I watched Yahoo Live Talk but my stupid computer is ... STUPID!! Cause it stops somewhere at minute 25 or something *cries out loud*
and you girls are not being fair.You went in Japan without me!! *stays in a corner and cries*.Now I'm gonna be all alone in Romania x33
And OH MY GOD PEOPLE SHOU DOES HAVE A CROTCH!!!!!!!!!!! *runs in circles*
Have you seen it?!!! Is there *ish happey*
I told you I didn't eat it >_<"
eehhh dont punish me adi-chaann or i cry!!! *cries*
I did it for good purpose! not on bad purpose!! he seemed.. way too cool >.>
I wanted to wake him up.. OMG I KNOW WHY HE WAS LIKE THAT NOW!!!
CUZ CUZ.... yeeeh.. those voices.. how long did you guys do it for god sake?!! O_O
omg yes! you are right! o_o last time she almost killed me o_o im not touching to Nao-pooh!!! *gets hands off* i will touch to my john!!! <3 XDD
owiess i can send you the full video if you want hunnie!! you should the rest!!! OMG they.. erm.. i wont tell!!! you should watch!! <3
hahha XDDD poor shou XDDD you are talking about his crotch and now he is blushin >.>'
Originally Posted by NanteNa
Neo@ omfg! X'D U bought so much that u don't even remember!!?
ehh! ermm... coughtmaybecough >.>' seriously tho! for a while i was like.. rainbows?.. i didnt order it did i? XDDDDDDD omg.. really.. did i order that much?! O_O no no..*thinks* no no..>.>' im just so into gaze dvd now! *nods*
