Originally Posted by Tenchu
If this is about brains; do you understand the brain power it takes to sonar see like a dolphin? Many animals have larger parts and more powerful brain parts than we do, we just have a certain one that few others have, and none have on our level.
How can you blame me for brining religion up. I know I do this every time, but it is because the shit you say is so common in all religous people (all most) that of course I am going to assume that as a reason. Dont blame me.
So, assumeing you never considered the "soul" thing, basically, what you are saying is anything that can not keep up is inferior, right? That kind of attitude is pretty vacant minded. I do agree, retards should be "put down" at birth, yet the majority of people struggle to keep up with a mere few who possess the skills to create our world. Perhaps that is our solution. Belief in superiority (such as Nazi Germany) and we can just execute the stragglers in gas chambers, no?
Correction: I am superior to all people (at least, of what I have ever seen). Dont go thinking you are special just because you believe in people flying around in golden palaces with wings...
Like I said, we are out done in many ways. If this is not about God, then it is left up to basic respect. And you are lacking.
Are you on Crack??!!! This statement is like saying a calculator is on the same level or superior as/to us because it's more powerful at calculating numbers...
You're stupid...
Hahaha... that's a great one... like the Nazi's... Why didn't I think of that
I think you have the same problem as people like Ronin4hire... You get too caught up on your prejudgment and you don't even read people's posts... First of all, if you wanna make this about religion, you wouldn't have said half the shit you've said because you'd know that in Islam, we HAVE to respect other animals... So you talking about lack of respect is just stupid and just make you an obnoxious fool.
Hahahahaha... you superior? You're a joke mate... But then again, it depends on the perspective right? I guess you can easily be superior at being an idiot that tries to relate everything to religion because you have no arguments... I bet if someone had the same opinions as me and wasn't religious, you'd spend your whole time trying to prove that they are
... Get over yousrelf... you're nothing special.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
The point is; Noodle has the attitude that human expantion should be conducted as necessary, and all wildlife is second class to us because we are the most productive and powerful. This is a very poor attitude. I hope you can see why, it would be a shame if you can not. Many things that are looked down upon in history are actually the result of this exact same attitude, and the greatest of men, even a religous prophet, Jesus (but not Muhammad), are regarded the way they are for the exact reason of their ability to be able to lower themselves to the level of the inferior. Humility is the most productive skill you will ever learn, not self ordained superiority.
Tell me, if we are more powerful and productive, then why aren't we superior? What's your definition of being superior? Maybe you'd think we're superior if we had psychic abilities? Or would you just come out and say, oh... well, a bat can navigate in the dark, so THERE!!!!
Oh and btw, like I said a million times before... stop prejudging me and putting me into your own little made stereotype of religious people.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
I dont believe you. That is either really arogant, or... really arrogant...
There is a fine line between the prey and the hunted. When a springbok spots a lion crouching 10 meters away from it, the lions sees it has been spotted. What happens? Nothing. There is a pause of up to 30 seconds before either animal moves. When the stakes are so high niether wants to initiate the chase, they just focus and reflect. Why? Because both have evolved to superiority in their roles. The springbok will never kill the lion, never, yet the lion can rarely catch one. Niether is superior to the other, they are equals, and this is why they take the moment to reflect on each other before the chase begins.
You saying that only shows your lack of reflection on nature. Now we have the upper hand, but that does not call for disrespect. If you paid attention you would be able to compliment many animals on their abilities, not just yourself, and perhaps you would grow a heart instead of being specially selfish; for whatever reason, dont blame me for guessing.
aaaaaaaahahahahaha... Is that like you asking how to spell arrogant? Like I said before, you need to stop prejudging me... Lack of respect... Dude, the only creature I have a lack of respect for on this planet is YOU... Everytime I think you say something decent or you prove that you're not a retard, you just go and ruin it with your huge ego.
MissMisa... My answer to your post is exactly the same as ivonkey's...