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Henbaka (Offline)
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08-07-2008, 11:46 AM

I don't know where some people here get their "you don't respect animals" - shit from. Noone ever said that here, we just try to tell some truth. I have very much respect for just about every animal, but that doesn't mean I don't know there's a hierarchy in nature. There are some very intelligent animals, and we should respect them (which we're not really doing).

I don't think Tenchu understands what I or noodle mean when we say "superior". It's not meant as "we are superior, so we should kill them" (like that crappy nazi parallel you tried making). The meaning of the word here instead implies that "we are higher on natures hierarchy of survival". That means that e.g. lions can not threaten humanitys survival, but we can threaten theirs (and we do). Noone ever said we should.

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Anyone who suggests that animals don't matter is an absolute f***wit, just like some posters earlier on in this thread I had a problem with. I don't think the majority of people here have a problem with respect for animals. They are highlighting reality though and that is that humans might not have the "extra special" abilities but they can easily reproduce them with technology.
Thing is, that is our strenght. The power to work together, build, develop. I like to believe that this was a specific step in evolution: instead of getting more muscles, bigger bodies etc, we in fact got weaker and less deadly (as a naked being). Instead our minds developed, which made possible what we are today. Just look at big apes(gorillas etc.) that are much stronger and more deadly than a human.

What's sad is that humans are brilliant, but also arrogant, violent, and stupid. Sometimes I wonder what the purpose of all the negative behavior of humans is (seen on an evolutionary scale). But then again, other animals rape, eat and kill mates and children,etc.

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