Thread: Alice Nine
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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08-07-2008, 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
yeah I want one too.It was so cute and fluffy,just like Nao
*ish cherried* XDDD
Mwhaha we shall take over the world with our alice nine. obsession ^_^.
You should check it.Shou looks so good -faints-.And again,I like Tora but that is NOT his style -shakes head-.I like him in baggy clothes XD.

awww I remember I saw that video after Number Six movie.I giggled like crazy.It's so funny and Nao's laugh is love.Also when I saw it I fell in love with Hiro-pon -dies-.He was so freaking cute with his big hair and and ... I just adore him ^_^.
And Wiiii Hiroto posted a pic with him again *runs in circles*.I love him when he does that XDDD.

-stares at his lips- LOVE and omg look at his eyes <33

random: daidai I had a dream last night and you were in it.But I don't remember what we were doing.It was .. somwhere in the woods and there was an office,the office from my college and ... I have no idea what we were doing there. O_O" It was pretty weird but but I dreamed you!! *dances* *_*
Hehe yush! World domination! XD
Aww I can't find it. T_T;
Do you have the link please?

Haha I know! They're soo adorable! They seriously need to make another movie! >_<
Gah! Hiroto is soo fracking hot! *grapes* We'd make a pretty hot kiss, considering we have like the same size lips. XD
But I do love when he posts pictures of himself. *giggles*

And girls, you need to relax! XD As long as you're not touching him, it's okay. Well, don't talk about him too much. XDD

And Adii! You dreamed about me! *dies* That is soo fracking awesome! XD Although, the dream is a little random, it's still killer! *runs around*
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