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(#69 (permalink))
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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
08-07-2008, 05:16 PM

It's a sad fact that animals are dying out like this.
Mankind can be very selfish.
... But, in this case, it's hard to simply point a steady finger at someone and accuse them as guilty.

It says that the Siberian Leopards are losing massive amounts of their natural habitat to logging and unnatural fires (for fertilization).
It would be simple to pass judgement on the loggers, if only I knew exactly where and how their logs were being used.

This is just another example of the complexity of life on this planet.
It must also be put into consideration that we're creatures of this world too; we require certain things to support our living...
And before someone attempts to use this argument against me, let me point out that it's within mankinds nature to be selfish. We are beings of expression and emotion... And that fact will never change.

One man alone cannot definitely improve the world, but he can definitely improve himself.

By being appreciative of the things I use and mindful of the sacrifices made for them, I become less of a threat to the planet.

At least, that's my light opinion on the matter.

There is also the issue of the less innocent poaching...
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