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Henbaka (Offline)
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08-08-2008, 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
We are at the top of the food chain, no? I agree with that, and that as a notion of superiority, but not as a notion of divine right and outstanding value; which is what I think others are taking it as. The life of any animal that has concern for its own welfare is just as valuable as a human life. There is nothing that says otherwise accept for the opinions of individuals. Of course, this is my opinion, so I would be more correct to say value is in the eye of the beholder, or value is only of importance when it is recognized by that individual and only to him and no others. But I am again alone on that view.

I am digging at uncontrolled human expansion that sees the death of the majority of animals on this planet. Not superiority.
"notion of divine right and outstanding value" Noone ever said that (if they did and I missed it, then I agree, that is wrong).

I do agree with you about the value of animals' lives. I was merely pointing out how things are in the world today.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Not really. The capabilities of human strength is far greater now. Before people were exposed to hardship, so they were on average stronger, yet lived only half as long. Now days the average height of white people has risen almost a foot in length and believe you me, the weightlifters we se today would not be recognized as humans were they to go back in time a few hundred years.

The potential is there like never before, it is just most people do not use it.
Again, I was talking about average human strenght. As technology improves, less physical work is needed, and as such in average, less physical strenght is needed. You say yourself they were on average stronger? The lifespan isn't relevant here.

Average height has risen, yes.

Weightlifters are stronger today, of course. I never talked about the peak human capacity, but of average strenght needed (and thus the strenght that exists) of average humans in today's society. Also, I don't think it's fair to attribute the superior performance the athletes of today (comp. to 100yrs ago or so) to only evolution. Think of how improved training procedures, food supplements etc. are today. But again, that is besides the point.

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