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08-08-2008, 08:10 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
That is more theoratical bullshit that is vacant from reality.

Why is a collective intellect the only valueable skill? Answer me that.

I am not saying we can not do more than other species, but you seem to think just because we can we are automatically way above everything else, like we are Gods above them like God is to us. That is not true. If that were true and I was to ask you "Why?" you're answer could only be "Because I say so".

Not until you stop giving steriotypical replies that all religous people give.

And what do you think I think about you then? You think you are some sort of divine being on this planet with universal right; something entirly of your imagination.

Noodle, only an idiot thinks you can argue things like evolution without bringing up religion. That is why Kanji banned the thread, because they are two sides of a single coin for the debate. On intelligent level most things are like this. If we want to argue about the value of an animal I already know what the result here wil be at the end of the day. Why? Because you are governed by a predetermined belief that can not be changed. You are not here to learn and evolve, you already know what winning is and where the goal lies. Animals dont have souls, so I cant change your view.

It is you being arrogant getting up me every time I mention this because you can not accept the impact this determines on your life and you seem so illusionally sure that you are in this to learn, but you are not.
Theoretical BS? Seriously, answer my question... Are you on Crack?

Umm, a collective is more is the valuable skill here because we're talking about "species" ...

wtf are you talking about? Seriously, sit down and reply to what I say and not what you think I say... F**k, you really are an obnoxious idiot... Humans are superior because we CAN do more than any other animal... This has nothing to do with me saying we're gods of the planet or whatever it is you're thinking about...

Haha... Stereotypical replies that all religious people give... Dickhead, you agreed with Ivionkey at the start of this thread and he's a religious person... Seriously, just stop trying to defend yourself when it comes to you being absolutely clueless and automaticaly saying it's because I'm religious. If you can't debate without thinking I go into a religious book to get the answer, then don't debate...

haaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaahahahhahahhahahahaaaha...dude, I love it when you make me laugh... You say that you're the most superior person on the planet then blame me of implying I was a divine being?

Once again you prove to be a total idiot... Tell me, why is it evolutionists DEBATE evolution even though they are atheists? What you don't seem to get is that you're the one that's actually got a predetermined belief in you. You think you're learning, but the truth is, you're just brainwashed into thinking you see facts in front of you. Hence why you haven't managed to provide me with any proof of evolution apart from "i see some skeletons, they're slightly different... Eureka!!!!! THEY MUST be related... Wow, I'm a genius...."

haha... dude, you're right... I'm not here to learn from you... You simply cannot offer me anything that I didn't know already. If you actually every read or listened to anything I ever wrote, you'd realise that I said right at the start of the evolution thread that I believed in certain types of evolution, and in fact, in another thread, I even mentioned that I used to believe in evolution until I started studying it properly in biology... ... Let me guess, you're gonna say I caught up on reading my holy book and realised it wasn't allowed
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