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(#193 (permalink))
Bureda (Offline)
Posts: 565
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: London
08-08-2008, 08:57 PM

Being single is great!
Being single is awesome!
Being single is a flower that's blossomed!

Singularity is something that not many appreciate, Friendship should hold more value than a Relationship.

Societies in today's era emphasise too much on Love and Romance. To be honest you only have one life. If you found someone you can click with and relate to then good for you, but remember to respect them and their space.

If you're young you should live free, you should live without a doubt and you should definitely watch what you're doing. Corruption in this world is at all times high.

There's no need to rush your life and find someone, enjoy, see and experience the world.

When the time comes for you to settle down you'll know it.

People look down on singles and music labels people. That's no good, no point in labelling anyone.

Live how you want to, events in life will occur regardless.

Anyway, relationships should not be your main concern, living a happy life should be. If you found yourself a person, cherish them like I said so, but remember, sometimes perfect can lead to a defection.

Last edited by Bureda : 08-08-2008 at 08:59 PM.
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