Originally Posted by ThirdSight
Here, meaning that you can do what you want when you want to, or in other words, there's more "you" time since your time isn't divided by another (larger) portion to the one your dating/seeing/married to/fcking/what you will. That shouldn't suggest that actually spending time with someone you like or a loved one is a bad thing, but getting more me time is a bonus for those that are single.
Just lookin' on the bright side. 
Hahaha I know what you mean.
I've been in a serious relationship for nearly three years and... well, I don't really take him into account when I have to make a decision >.< I mean, the fact that I'm with him has never stopped me from doing anything. So mean, I am x) But I totally get you, being single means you have to worry about no one but your own-pretty-self =) Dude, I miss being single...