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Best Buy advertising Final Fantasy VII PS3....again - 08-09-2008, 04:13 AM

yup, they've done it again, now it's a sign. It can be seen at the site below. They claim it will be released on August 16, 2008
Final Fantasy VII: Best Buy Advertising Final Fantasy VII PS3

I can't believe someone fucked up that bad..... and what are the odds of the same company mis-advertising something wrong, TWICE?

Here's to hoping, Cheers!

More news in the FFVII world, a Chinese gaming company, ported the original FFVII game to the NES. That's right, the daddy of all games has been ported to the NES. The likes of Vincent and Yuffie have been erased, but all key events and dialogue have been kept in tact....
Gallery: FFVII On NES Is A Triumph Of The Human Spirit

*they labeled the cartridge wrong, but

What are your thoughts on the two?

Microsoft is making computer's just like air conditioners; they work properly until you open WINDOWS.
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