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Kayami92 (Offline)
75% Sugar, 25% Music
Posts: 26
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Florida
08-09-2008, 04:57 AM

Haha, I'm surprised I found this. But before I tell my story I have something to say:

You are INSPIRING. I've never heard nor met someone who learned so fast! And your love of music is beautiful. Man, I wish I could meet you in person. I feel almost obligated to write another story becuase of you!

I'm 15, turning 16 in September. I was born in Puerto rico, so my native language is spanish too (although, a more slang-ish type). When I was 4 we moved to Florida and when I entered Pre-K, I started learning english. I also started speaking, but I stuttered a lot (I still do, but not as bad as then). My spanish isn't fluent, but I can understand it perfectly.I taught myself to read. My first chapter book was a Little Princess. And from reading, I learned to write. Now I write all sorts of stories.

As all children I watched T.V. Mostly Cartoon Network. Which is where i discovered Sailor moon (high five PsaikoKyo!) I didn't know it was anime, but I loved it. When it was cancelled I forgot about it. Until a Japanese teacher came to our school when I was 7. She taught us the basics of Japanese and the culture. That's how I started loving Japan.

I'm starting to learn more Japanese, I know enough to pick it up in some anime.

Like almost everyone here, i too want to go to Japan. My reason is kind of selfish, but I see Japan as my ultimate inspiration. The need to go is very strong, so I'm saving money and I have plans. I go to conventions out of pure fun and I'm even starting a club at my school.

Uh...that's it. I think. PsaikoKyo, I agree with Crownedinterror. Keep drawing. A friend of mine was kinda sucky at drawing. But after practicing for a few years, she's AMAZING! her art is really life like.

...It looks much cooler in my head...

Let's get wrecked on pop tarts and sex and see the Taj Mahal
Let's save birds from Prince William Sound and skateboard through the mall
Let's fight crime with mangoes and limes and join the PGA
Let's win big with every spin but hurry, I can't wait

Motion City Soundtrack - It Had To Be You

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