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Yuna7780 (Offline)
I'm Missh Yuna! ♥
Posts: 1,168
Join Date: Aug 2007
08-09-2008, 05:42 AM

I have a question to the respondents in this thread...

Would you say you're a more "faithful" buyer of Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo products?

I'd say Sony. I think the best games are on the Play Station platforms and my favorite games are obviously on them...

I'm trying to think of things to talk about my gaming habits...
I only play between 9PM-3AM at night playing games.

During school, I only play on the weekend because academics are more important and doing work... But I manage during school to at least get in ten hours a week. Summer, it's crazy what I do.

I only break my gaming-time rule when I have friends over or go to a friend's house.

Current games I'm playing by myself and with my friends...
FFXII - my "lil' sister" Eddie (I got halfway through the game, stuck forever and started replayed when she came over one day and Eddie got hooked on it)
Siren - my awesomely-fun-but-bad-at-many-games-friend Jessica (we're recording the game on DVD as we play and we're making a rap for it to put on YouTube, because it's a corny game and could've been potentially A LOT better. Another game is on the PS3 now in Japan which looks GREAT!)
Shadow Hearts - my bff Jocelyn
Xenosaga - Jocelyn
Beautiful Katamari- Jocelyn

On my own... I'm replaying FFX-2. I had 95% in my old game and now I want to get the perfect ending and I'm almost there...

I'm almost done with Persona 3, also. I'm a few mini-bosses away to the real boss.

On my PSP I'm playing FFVII:CC, but I don't play it that much because I get irritated at playing on such a tiny screen. lol

Thanks for reading!
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