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Zagato289 (Offline)
Multi-Console Gamer
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Location: Mexico
08-09-2008, 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by Yuna7780 View Post
I have a question to the respondents in this thread...

Would you say you're a more "faithful" buyer of Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo products?

I'd say Sony. I think the best games are on the Play Station platforms and my favorite games are obviously on them...

I'm trying to think of things to talk about my gaming habits...
I only play between 9PM-3AM at night playing games.

During school, I only play on the weekend because academics are more important and doing work... But I manage during school to at least get in ten hours a week. Summer, it's crazy what I do.

I only break my gaming-time rule when I have friends over or go to a friend's house.

Current games I'm playing by myself and with my friends...
FFXII - my "lil' sister" Eddie (I got halfway through the game, stuck forever and started replayed when she came over one day and Eddie got hooked on it)
Siren - my awesomely-fun-but-bad-at-many-games-friend Jessica (we're recording the game on DVD as we play and we're making a rap for it to put on YouTube, because it's a corny game and could've been potentially A LOT better. Another game is on the PS3 now in Japan which looks GREAT!)
Shadow Hearts - my bff Jocelyn
Xenosaga - Jocelyn
Beautiful Katamari- Jocelyn

On my own... I'm replaying FFX-2. I had 95% in my old game and now I want to get the perfect ending and I'm almost there...

I'm almost done with Persona 3, also. I'm a few mini-bosses away to the real boss.

On my PSP I'm playing FFVII:CC, but I don't play it that much because I get irritated at playing on such a tiny screen. lol
Sony has really good games but microsoft has a better online.

It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."

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