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(#351 (permalink))
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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
08-10-2008, 07:47 PM

Other than the fact that it was a little difficult to get used to some of the bathrooms, I didn't have any real problems besides the language barrier -- and by extension, the slight culture barrier.

People were still people; food was still food; money was still money... And no matter how you try to hide the fact, I was still a foreigner in a country that is still very proud of it's own culture. It's only natural that I would feel like an outsider. Nevertheless, I still usually got a smile (regardless of it's sincerity) when I walked into a restaurant or store.

Those that say that Japanese people aren't polite... Well, if you piss them off they may be justified - as any normal human being would be - to treat you a little coldly... And even then, it's still a maybe.

I won't deny the fact, though, like many have said: Every country has it's ups and downs. Just as almost everything in this world has it's ups and downs.
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