Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
You aint done shit for the world lol. That is evident from your lame understanding in almost everything you post. I also don't need to get into some kinda contest with you about who has done more. Whatever I did, it wasn't done to impress anyone, which can't really be said about you can it ba-chan? Obviously the highlight of your day is to piss people off on a forum so you get some kinda morale boost. Learn that from the army too did you?
Seriously, what happened? Did I make you cry?
Noone gives a f*ck about the Alaskan pipeline so plz, stop talking out your cornhole. I was referring to your blatant disregard of actual endangered species whose lack of numbers seems to amuse you. That would be the "tusk" and "trash bin" comments you made, just in case the drinks got to your head
I can see though that you're one of those little weasel pricks who like to go hunting, just for sport. I guess it makes you feel big, eh little man?
ps. Really, i'm trying not to puke at your comment about thinking about me while you scratch your back. What a perversely sick freak >.>
(Btw, those comments don't really bother me. Keep coming out with em, i'll just laugh at how pathetic you sound .)
So the drug dealer I took off the stret last week wasn't doing anything good. Arresting gangsters with vehicles full of burglary tools and weapons doesn't help people? Conforting families when thier loved ones die before thier eyes doesn't help people? Taking sexual criminals who commit sex crimes to innocents doesn't help? Getting women and children out of the clutches of abusive monsters doesn't help? I do all these things of a regular basis. This helps the world? Helping stray animals doesn't help? Never been hunting in my life. I could go on and on. You are pathetic.