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LittleFallenAngel (Offline)
Fanfiction writer.
Posts: 1,860
Join Date: Jan 2008
08-11-2008, 10:02 PM

Going to sleep soon by the way o_o;;...
needa get my butt tomorrow early out of bed -_-;;...
im waking now up everyday at like...
15:00 PM...
sometimes even later O_O;;;..
the last time I woke up early at like 12:00 pm... was ummm too long ago xD...

better idea...
-makes cake-
eattttt iiiiiiit...
-shoves it in Kiyuge her mouth-
now do nomnomnom or I chop ur head off @_@;;...

With this, I LFA. Aint no member anymore from JF.
| LFA-Daily. |
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